I used to LOVE to go to thrift stores!!! Nothing better than paying next to nothing for something (whether I needed it or not)! And I could always count on getting my paperback fix or something I could use at work. My husband and I have even picked up some furniture once or twice.
Since my father passed away last year, though, thrift stores make me infinitely sad. They have lost the spell they once had over me. The rows and rows of "stuff" represent pieces of many different people's lives. Pieces that each have a story or once had a place in a home. Now those stories are shelved and forgotten, unwanted. I think of the person who owned them and wonder if they realized when they bought it, or received it as a gift, or when it was passed down, that it would soon outlive it's usefulness. I also wonder if the people who dropped off all of these things were thinking the same thing I was when I was cleaning out my parent's house....
Why in the world did they keep this stuff?
If it was so important to them, why did they keep it in a box stuffed up in the attic?
Did they really use all of this crap???
Yes, I admit I thought those things~I even said some of it out loud....repeatedly and sometimes with quite a few more colorful adjectives.
Once upon a time, parents handed down family heirlooms to their children and they truly meant something. It was a treasure that had a story and took up an important place in its new home. Now adays, we go through attics, basements, garages, and storage bins FULL of life's stuff. Is it making those folks happy? Is it being honored where it is? Is it necessary for life? Probably not. And when those folks have moved on, where does that stuff end up? Yard sale. Trash. Thrift Store.
According to the NARTS (National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops) website, thrift stores/resale still "continue to be one of the fastest growing segments of retail." Each year for the past three years the industry has grown 5%. Business is steady. Notice that the shelves are never empty and new stock arrives each day.
My husband and I had a revelation one September when our basement flooded and we lost pretty much everything that was in there. Not one thing we lugged out and threw out was worth one tear. Which said volumes to me about my "enough". Each trip up the stairs with an armful of dripping stuff, the on-going conversation in my head went from "Why in the world did we keep all of this junk???" to "At least my children won't be having to do this when I'm gone."
Which brings me to "enough".
I have thought about "throwing out my life" (junk) for a year now, even had a plan to be done by the time I turned 41. HA! That didn't happen! But lo and behold, guess what my pastor's sermons have been about the past few weeks? Simple living. Drive it home...
Which got me to rethink that throwing out plan...as I step over toys, books, and the flotsam and jetsam that is our life. Isn't it time? Past time I would say. Time for me to reread Jeff Yeager's book The Ultimate Cheapskate's Road Map to True Riches. He is the ultimate cheapskate, and he offers a lot of wisdom for simple living.
So, it's time for me to start culling out the extra, the non-essential, the stuff that's just here. I will keep the thrift stores in business for a little while, and I will work on NOT bringing in more things that will end up there later. I am attempting to slay the "enoughasaurus" so I can begin my next project... but that's another post.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Here is one of my first forays into mixing poetry and art. Hard to see the poem written along the waves and sand. The words are below.

I love how the ocean drowns out the voice in my head
Leaving no room for anything but the wind roaring in my ears
The vibration of the pounding surf
Everything else just goes away
The sand smooths the rough edges
Wears away the cracked veneer
Creates a clean canvas
It shifts and sifts hard packed yet yielding
To dig and bury and resurface
Relaxes the senses with subtle massage
The wind
When it comes
Tears away the last tendrils of worries brought along
Whispering nothing promising nothing
Giving you your chance to enjoy the moment
Enjoy where you are
Thoughts run together until there's nothing left but
The sand
The wind
The ocean
Love, love, LOVE art journaling. I am excited about writing again. I am excited about the possibilities for creating, for playing with paint, pastels, mixed media.
I spent some time at Sheri Gaynor's blog @ Creative Awakenings and wow! The art these women are creating! I am ready to set up my basement and go crazy! I know my husband will appreciate me taking it out of our bathroom ( I have set up a semi-work area on the ironing board). I especially like how they made use of photos. Hmmm....
Time to get those pictures in scrapbooks. I read one of Peter Walsh's organizing books and beyond the usual throw it out, yadda yadda~ one thing he wrote really stuck a cord with me. If you own something that means something to you, are you giving it the honor it deserves by storing it in a box? in the attic? in the basement? Hmmmm....the majority of our pictures are piled in ziploc bags in a Rubbermaid tub. All of the embellishments for making those pictures into our life story are neatly organized in a dresser and ....that's it!!! How sad.
I think my children will like the idea of browsing through scrapbook albums that tell our story better than spreading out piles of ziploc bags on the floor wondering what was happening and when.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day Two
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
T.S. Eliot
So true.
Everytime I think I've done all I can, and that I've gone as far as I can go, I reach down a bit further and see what I've got left. It is such a great feeling to trump what you considered your limit. Fear becomes such a comforting place to stay. And the more you hesitate, the harder it is to take chances. I don't want to look back anymore and have all of the missed opportunities staring back at me. I have witnessed a life wasted by this very thing. It was profoundly sad to realize that fear of taking risks ended in a life full of regret and emptiness. I don't want to be like that person.
I got on that elliptical trainer tonight after a verrry long day. I wasn't well rested this morning, had a little headache. Just chalked it up to lack of sleep and sinus stuff. By the afternoon, it had turned into a raging beast. I realized it was caffeine withdrawal. I associate caffeine withdrawal to gamma radiation exposure. As in you-don't-want-to-see-me-angry-I-will-scoop-out-your-intestines-with-a-spoon. Took quite a bit to tame the beast, but I got it back in its cage. Lots of meetings and then home for a bit before heading to my daughter's Open House. Before even thinking about what I was doing, I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner (healthy stuff, of course). I usually work out before I eat because I don't want to see my dinner later in another form. I was tired, I was in need of relaxation (read~tv, couch), waaaaaa, waaaaaa,waaaaa.....
I worked out anyway. And when I got to the end of my workout I was on top of the world. I pushed myself beyond the limits my mind had set.
And here I am. Relaxing. Praying for an empty head and no crickets tonight. Regardless, I made it through another day.
T.S. Eliot
So true.
Everytime I think I've done all I can, and that I've gone as far as I can go, I reach down a bit further and see what I've got left. It is such a great feeling to trump what you considered your limit. Fear becomes such a comforting place to stay. And the more you hesitate, the harder it is to take chances. I don't want to look back anymore and have all of the missed opportunities staring back at me. I have witnessed a life wasted by this very thing. It was profoundly sad to realize that fear of taking risks ended in a life full of regret and emptiness. I don't want to be like that person.
I got on that elliptical trainer tonight after a verrry long day. I wasn't well rested this morning, had a little headache. Just chalked it up to lack of sleep and sinus stuff. By the afternoon, it had turned into a raging beast. I realized it was caffeine withdrawal. I associate caffeine withdrawal to gamma radiation exposure. As in you-don't-want-to-see-me-angry-I-will-scoop-out-your-intestines-with-a-spoon. Took quite a bit to tame the beast, but I got it back in its cage. Lots of meetings and then home for a bit before heading to my daughter's Open House. Before even thinking about what I was doing, I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner (healthy stuff, of course). I usually work out before I eat because I don't want to see my dinner later in another form. I was tired, I was in need of relaxation (read~tv, couch), waaaaaa, waaaaaa,waaaaa.....
I worked out anyway. And when I got to the end of my workout I was on top of the world. I pushed myself beyond the limits my mind had set.
And here I am. Relaxing. Praying for an empty head and no crickets tonight. Regardless, I made it through another day.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Day One
Having spent the majority of my summer resting due to health issues, I took time to assess what I've been doing with my life before I got sick. Not much. I promised myself when I turned the corner and started feeling well again, I would change that.
SO, I scrolled my way through Amazon and stocked up on some great creative reads to jump start things. Next, I bought a bunch of art supplies. Unlike usual, where I would buy things then store them for later, I am journaling, painting, drawing, writing, and enjoying it immensely!! Getting messy is fun! Making messes and creating something from them is such a satisfying experience. It all started with Living Artfully: Create the Life you Imagine and Journal Bliss: Creative Prompts to Unleash Your Inner Eccentric.
They were fast reads and got me going. I have begun Creative Awakenings, but am absorbing just a little at a time.
Mentally set, I talked my friend into partnering up for a fitness challenge. After we met today to set goals and map things out, I took a much needed walk. WOW! what a wonderful feeling. I have been itching to get out, but have not had the energy to do so. I have truly missed it! I went farther than planned and really enjoyed being out there with music in my ears and the road rolling out ahead of me. I am looking forward to going further and further down that road as I build up stamina.
Time to get a good night's sleep and rest up for tomorrow and whatever adventure it brings!!
Night all.
SO, I scrolled my way through Amazon and stocked up on some great creative reads to jump start things. Next, I bought a bunch of art supplies. Unlike usual, where I would buy things then store them for later, I am journaling, painting, drawing, writing, and enjoying it immensely!! Getting messy is fun! Making messes and creating something from them is such a satisfying experience. It all started with Living Artfully: Create the Life you Imagine and Journal Bliss: Creative Prompts to Unleash Your Inner Eccentric.
They were fast reads and got me going. I have begun Creative Awakenings, but am absorbing just a little at a time.
Mentally set, I talked my friend into partnering up for a fitness challenge. After we met today to set goals and map things out, I took a much needed walk. WOW! what a wonderful feeling. I have been itching to get out, but have not had the energy to do so. I have truly missed it! I went farther than planned and really enjoyed being out there with music in my ears and the road rolling out ahead of me. I am looking forward to going further and further down that road as I build up stamina.
Time to get a good night's sleep and rest up for tomorrow and whatever adventure it brings!!
Night all.
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