Ahh... the best of intentions...Here it is 3 months later. Checking in~fell through on the October twelve weeks exercise plan. It was a whirlwind of activity and the final turn of the corner for me. I finally got beyond sick. Didn't have much conflict from the trolls. I guess they were out enjoying an extended romp during the holiday season, thank goodness. I was kinda grinchy this season, though, and I am so disappointed in myself as the holidays usually light me up brighter than the Griswold's house. Ah, well it's a new year. Something to strive for.
My dear friend let me borrow her P90X to try before buying. I told her I needed to get into shape. My oldest son, in his infinite wisdom, asked me a question that reverbates through my pink cells ..."Yeah, mom, but are you really going to stick to it?" Ouch. That's what my kids see in me. So I took it home and tried it. I saw my life flash before my eyes. As I lay there, sweating, trying hard not to go toward the light, I decided that I needed to do something, just not this!
I started the Body-For-Life Challenge December 28th. Not advertising it too loudly, but nobody reads this, so it's safe to proclaim it here. I just think I've settled and can do so much better than I'm doing. My plan is to take it a day at a time and do what I need to do. Commit for chrissake. My Grand Plan is to throw out most of my wardrobe and bring down the favorites of skinnier times. Then buy some new things! Woohoo! Ain't it grand?
So I'm quietly working each day. Working hard, but not killing myself. I've got monthly calendars posted to track my progress, I'm journaling my diet and exercises, I've got my Goal Patrol bracelet on to constantly remind me. (I normally would not waste the money, but it has been worth it just as a reminder of what I'm working towards. ) So far, I've finished my first week. I am sleeping so much better and waking up before the alarm (notice I didn't say GETTING up...). I am focusing on tasks and easing my hellion desire to bring harm on whomever plucks my last nerve. Each day I pull on clothes that I loathe, and think "Won't be wearing this much longer." Can ya give me halleluiah???
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