Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Swing or The Plan and Cans

The dice were thrown and The Swing was decided.  The poor, neglected swing that has sat in the crowded garage patiently waiting for me to take it out of its misery.  It has made it to the basement and is sitting with the plan and the cans of paint that will transform it into the beautiful seat in our backyard. 

Fast Forward 2 hours...I plug in the earbuds, have the tunes up and am ready to go.  I start painting and lo, I find that I did a miserable job sanding the slats.  I will pull it out this weekend.  YES this weekend and sand it til it is smooth and splinterless.  Then back to the brush. 

I had that zen moment all alone with the music and the job at hand.  Why do I keep myself from this?  I start a myriad of projects only to leave them abandoned and alone.  I used to consider them black clouds hanging over my head, mocking me.  But now~perhaps they are just lonely, forelorn and forgotten.  Poor things.  Waiting to be plucked out of their abyss and brought to life. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I said something like this..............What really matters is what is important. I mean we all have projects that we would like to do but if we are spenging time with family, friend, and the like then that is what's important!
