Friday, July 1, 2011

31 Days

I have always wanted to pursue a project as a challenge.  I've read Gretchen Rubin's blog and loved Julie Powell's book and her blog as well.  I admired their ability to stick to something for a year.  A WHOLE year.  365 days...
Not this chick.  The only thing I am consistent in is being inconsistent.  SO  here I am.  Swing still in the basement (see previous post).  A month and a bit more stretch out in front of me and I am fortunate enough to do pretty much what I choose.  I decided to try to accomplish some things that I always say I want to do.  For a month.  31 days to be exact. 

What will I be doing?
  • Cooking.  As in a full meal.  At least one a day.  Lunch and breakfast will be bonus.  I know, this isn't a challenge.  Not for you,reader.  I plan on actually cooking recipes I have clipped, bookmarked, drooled over, pondered.  That I normally don't have the time for with all of our running around.   
  • Creating.  Something...I have a basement full of things partly started, things waiting to be opened and played with, things I've talked about doing. 
  • Exercising.  Note~ not focusing on a number.  Just getting some exercise.  Having just finished Younger Next Year for Women (which I highly recommend to EVERYONE), I realize I have the opportunity to prevent a future of frailty and dependence if I begin now.
And here I am at day one.
Did I cook? 
Well, I orchestrated.  Got my daughter to fix the main dish whilst I worked on our late evening dessert.
Crumbled pound cake for fried ice cream.    

Did I create?
I have been wanting to play with watercolor, so I decided to dive in.  My husband sent me a picture of our first sunflower blooming and that was the subject for day one.  I tried sgrafitto texture and added some detail with oil pastels and Sakura glaze pens.  It was a great feeling to spread out my supplies, add some ocean wave music and sit by a sunny window to have at it.

Done.  Even after coming home late.  Went directly down to the dungeon basement and worked my legs. Writing the workout down makes it so much easier.  I don't have to think, just get it done.  While I was pushing out reps, I realized how great it felt to be doing something!  Even though I was tired and wanted to get in my pj's and call it a night, I was content to be where I was. 

Day 1 done.  Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.

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